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At Oakington Manor, we believe that an outstanding Science education provides the foundation whereby children make sense of the world they live in. Through the teaching of science, children are encouraged to foster and develop their natural curiosities and wonder about the increasing number of scientific and technological advancements of the modern world. Pupils use science to explain what is occurring, predict how things will behave, analyse causes and adapt to the ever-changing world around them.

In Science, children are exposed to working in a cross-curricular manner - the knowledge, skills and understanding taught inclusively allowing them to fulfil their potential. Planned investigations and practical activities are used to facilitate the development of their scientific skills along with a greater understanding of the world. The school’s woodlands provide us with an outdoor learning environment that enriches and extends the science curriculum for all our children while developing their curiosity of the natural world around them. 

Our planned partnerships in developing links with Secondary schools in the local area further supplements our science curriculum by exposing our children to the specific disciplines of Biology and Chemistry. Children are immersed in scientific vocabulary, which aids their Knowledge and Understanding not only of the topic they are studying, but of the world. 

We ensure that our inspiring creative science curriculum provides all children with the confidence and motivation needed to develop their investigative skills along with the school’s learning attributes of Adaptability, Communication, Cooperation, Enquiry, Morality, Respect, Resilience, and Thoughtfulness. In turn, these skills can then be taken into the next stage of their education and life, broadening and building on their sense of awe of the natural world, promoting a love for exploration and enquiry and preparing them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of the next stage of their lives.


  • Objectives are aligned with the National Curriculum. Teaching and learning to show progression across the year groups and milestones
  • Knowledge organisers given to teachers- children to access key vocabulary which enables them to apply their acquired knowledge into written and verbal communication.
  • Assessment- moderation sheets, test base questioning. Clear outcomes for working scientifically.
  • Children access a range of resources to acquire learning in a practical way. Digital technology included (weather stations, coding etc.)
  • Differentiated work to show lesson inclusiveness.
  • Cross curricular links- especially within maths, writing, reading and computing
  • Educational visits- visits enable real life application of knowledge, understanding and skill learnt
  • Extracurricular activities- dB primary blogs, newsletter, STEM clubs
  • Entry and exit points to encourage parental engagement
  • Science audit- resources and teaching
  • Pupil voice questionnaires
  • Science ambassadors’ applicants
  • Science vocabulary to be displayed in all classroom displays


Increased uptake in the number of children involved in STEM subjects and activities.

  • Clear objectives within the mileposts show that the depth and coverage are shown. Children remember sessions beyond a term
  • School enrichment-STEM clubs. Real life engagement
  • DB primary interaction- tasks, blogs, applications and pupil voice surveys. All independent tasks.
  • Science education interesting and relevant- Pupil voice questionnaires.
  • What children learn makes it worthwhile and it becomes relevant to students’ lives during and beyond school, including their mental well-being. Brainwave in how they learn. Pupil voice questionnaires show what children aspirations are. More children want to be scientists or work in the STEAM field
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